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Learn to install Apache 2, MySQL 5, PHP 5, phpMyAdmin 2 and Zend Optimizer 3 on Windows XP (Install Zend Optimizer)

Monday, July 03, 2006
For the last step, we need an optimizer for all of our PHP code. So we’re going to use Zend Optimizer as it’s the industry standard and well it’s free and they also make a 32 bit version, so it will work on Windows.

So let’s start off by executing the installer that we downloaded in the beginning.

This will bring us to a window similar to this one, simple click on Next.

Next we must agree to Zend’s License Agreement, simply click on Yes after the agreement has been read.

Next the application would like to know where to install Zend, simply click on browse.

Find the new location, or type it in the URL bar. In this case we’re using “C:\server\Zend” as we’d like to keep everything in its own folder. Click OK then Next

Next we’ll need to select the type of web server we’re using. In this case we used Apache 2.x, so simply select Apache 2.x from the list and click on Next.

Next the installer would like to know where our “php.ini” file is installed. In this case it’s installed in the “c:\server\PHP” folder. So, click Browse button, and point it to c:\server\PHP.

This will look like after we have select the php.ini location

We’ll need to specify the location of Apache. In this case the location of Apache was “C:\server\Apache2.2”. After this has been confirmed or input correctly, click on Next.

This will look like after we have select the Apache location. Click Next

After that, the application will bring us to ready to install window. Simple click on Install and the installer will begin the installation of Zend Optimizer using our custom configurations.

This warning box telling us to stop the Apache web server before continuing the installation. Stop the Apache web server and click Yes to continue the installation

This warning box tell us that the installer fail to find the Apache services and told us to manually stop the Apache web server before continuing the installation. Since we've done already, just click OK to continue the installation

When it’s installing, we’ll see a window similar to this and will disappear automatically when finished.

This warning box tell us that the installer fail to find the Apache services and told us to manually start the Apache web server before continuing the installation. Start the Apache web server and click OK to continue the installation

Once everything is finished, we’ll get a window similar to this. Simply click on Finish and we’re done. Zend Optimizer is now installed in the location we provided and is configured using the settings we specified during installation.

Now we can test to see if Zend Optimizer is installed and running correctly. Let’s open our favorite browser and run the phpinfo() application, just like we did at PHP installation. Simply type in http://localhost/inpo.php as the URL and hit enter.

If you get a page similar to this (look closely at the highlighted word, the Zend Optimizer word), then everything went just fine and Zend Optimizer is now installed and working correctly.

 << Install phpMyAdmin  


9:40 PM :: ::

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Learn to install Apache 2, MySQL 5, PHP 5, phpMyAdmin 2 and Zend Optimizer 3 on Windows XP (Install PHPmyAdmin)

In this article we’re going to learn how to install phpMyAdmin with our new server tools so we can better manage our MySQL database. There are a few things in this article that may not seem correct or right and some users may have phpMyAdmin working very easily, it all depends on your setup.

First let’s start by extracting the files to the proper location. Start by opening the phpMyAdmin zip file we downloaded in the beginning. Extract all of these files into the “htdocs” folder under the folder name “phpMyAdmin”. This will help us to keep up with where it’s installed, so now once we’ve unzipped everything we could load it up by using our favorite browser and point it to :


The error message that displayed above means that we didn't include MySQL library to PHP configuration

To adding MySQL library to PHP configuration, just follow these steps:
1. Open PHP configuration file (php.ini) at c:\server\PHP using your favorite text editor (such as notepad)
2. Search for this syntax: ;extension=php_mysql.dll
3. If you found it, just delete the comment character (;)
4. Save the file and restart the Apache webserver. After that, try to run the phpMyAdmin again from your browser
5. If it's come with the same errors, then it means Apache couldn't find libmysql.dll file (this file is require for php_mysql.dll). Actually, this file is located at c:\server\PHP
6. So, we must change the Windows path to that location.
7. Go to Control Panel and open the System icon (Start -> Control Panel -> System)
8. Go to the Advanced tab
9. Click on the 'Environment Variables' button
10. Look into the 'System variables' panel, and highlight Path variable by click on it
11. Click Edit button, and at the Variable value, at the end of the syntax, add this code:
12. Click OK and restart your computer
13. Try again to run the phpMyAdmin from your browser

This error message means that our login or password to connect to mysql database is wrong. In order for phpMyAdmin could connect to mysql database, we must supply the login and password at phpMyAdmin configuration file.

Almost all configurable data is placed in config.inc.php. This file only needs to contain the parameters you want to change from their corresponding default value in phpMyAdmin/libraries/config.default.php. If config.inc.php does not exist at the phpMyAdmin directory, just copy config.default.php from libraries directory to phpMyAdmin directory, and rename it to config.inc.php.

Locate this string: $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] = '';

Inside the ' ' place the location of where phpMyAdmin is installed on the server. In this case we installed it within the root directory under its own folder name. So we’ll use “http://localhost/phpMyAdmin/” as our absolute URL location.

There are 3 authentication methods that we can use to connect to phpMyAdmin:

1. config method (the default method)
This method is the least secure, as it requires storing your MySQL username and password in the file on the server. Anyone who would find the directory to your phpMyadmin installation would then be able to access your databases. This is the default method, however.

If you use the 'config' authentication method, it is strongly recommended that you secure the directory in which phpMyAdmin is installed, such as adding password protect to phpMyAdmin directory. This extra step is not needed when using either the 'http' or 'cookie' authentication methods.

Locate this string: $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config';
Locate this string: $cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'put your MySQL login here';
Locate this string: $cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = 'put your MySQL password here';

2. http method
These methods are more secure, as your username and password are not stored on the server in your configuration file. The 'http' option uses the Apache http authentication method.

Locate this string: $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'http';
Locate this string: $cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = '';
Locate this string: $cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = '';

3. cookie method (recommended method)
These methods are more secure, as your username and password are not stored on the server in your configuration file. The 'cookie' method uses cookies, and has the advantage that you can "Log Out" at the end of your session, deleting the cookie.

Locate this string: $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie';
Locate this string: $cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = '';
Locate this string: $cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = '';
Locate this string: $cfg['blowfish_secret'] = 'fill anything here';

For the blowish_secret values, you can fill any alphabets, in example you can use 716e3c0.88759346, but, keep in mind that the maximum length seems to be 46 characters. The passphrase is just used internally to encrypt the password - you will not be prompted for it later.

After we've finished configuring phpMyAdmin, try to run phpMyAdmin again by using our favorite browser and point it to http://localhost/phpMyAdmin/index.php

This error tell us that mbstring library didn't load at PHP. Without mbstring extension, phpMyAdmin is unable to split strings correctly and it may result in unexpected results.

In order to load mbstring library, we must do:

1. Open PHP configuration file (php.ini) at c:\server\PHP using your favorite text editor (such as notepad)

2. Find this syntax:

3. Delete the comment character (;)

4. Save the file and restart the apache

5. Try to open up phpMyAdmin again

If you’re able to login with no errors, you'll get the result like the image above, but it will be a bit different depending on your language setting. I've use Indonesian language setting.

 << Install PHP   Install Zend Optimizer >> 


9:38 PM :: ::

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Learn to install Apache 2, MySQL 5, PHP 5, phpMyAdmin 2 and Zend Optimizer 3 on Windows XP (Install PHP)

In the last few articles we’ve gotten our basic server applications installed and running. This will give us a great foundation to continue with the next few applications. The next thing we’ll need to get installed is PHP, as this will be the language we’re going to use to develop with, and we can’t use PHP without having a PHP engine phrasing all our code.

We didn't use the PHP installer because it isn't the preferred method for installing PHP and it's not secure. So we prefer manually install the PHP.

1. First, we want to create PHP folder under our server directory, so we must create c:\server\PHP folder

2. Open the PHP Zip file we downloaded at the beginning of this project and extract all the files at c:\server\PHP. If you use Winzip, make sure you check "Use Folder Names" option

3. After you've extracted the files, you'll see these directory structure at PHP folder:

|   |
|   |-php5ts.lib
+--ext -- extension DLLs for PHP
|   |
|   |-php_bz2.dll
|   |
|   |-php_cpdf.dll
|   |
|   |-..
|   |
|   +--mibs -- support files for SNMP
|   |
|   +--openssl -- support files for Openssl
|   |
|   +--pdf-related -- support files for PDF
|   |
|   |-mime.magic
+--pear -- initial copy of PEAR
|-go-pear.bat -- PEAR setup script
|-php-cgi.exe -- CGI executable
|-php-win.exe -- executes scripts without an opened command prompt
|-php.exe -- CLI executable - ONLY for command line scripting
|-php.ini-dist -- default php.ini settings
|-php.ini-recommended -- recommended php.ini settings
|-php5ts.dll -- core PHP DLL

4. After that, we need to create 2 new folder, and we can name it uploadtemp (it's for temporary directory for HTTP uploaded files) and sessiondata (it's for storing all the session files). So, it will be c:\server\PHP\uploadtemp and c:\server\PHP\sessiondata

5. The next step is to set up a valid configuration file for PHP, php.ini. There are two ini files distributed in the zip file, php.ini-dist and php.ini-recommended. We advise you to use php.ini-recommended, because it has been optimized the default settings in this file for performance and security. So copy php.ini-recommended and put it in the same folder (c:\server\PHP) with the name php.ini

6. We still need some customization at PHP configuration, so open php.ini with your favorite text editor, such as notepad. Find these strings and change the values according to these:

- variables_order = EGPCS      => The environment variables are hashed into the $_ENV
- register_long_arrays = On    => Enables registration of the older (and deprecated) long predefined array variables ($HTTP_*_VARS)
- register_argc_argv = On      => Enables registration of the $argv and $argc variables
- magic_quotes_gpc = On
- upload_tmp_dir = c:\server\PHP\uploadtemp
     => after you've change the values, make sure you've delete the comment character (;) at the beginning of the syntax, to make it active
- session.save_path= "c:\server\PHP\sessiondata"   => after you've change the values, make sure you've delete the comment character (;) at the beginning of the syntax, to make it active. If there's more than one of these syntax, just use one and uncommented it
- extension_dir = "c:\server\PHP\ext"

You can change all of the above configuration if you need to do so, but you must understand what you're about to do

7. We must tell PHP to locate the php.ini at c:\server\PHP by doing these:
  - Go to Control Panel and open the System icon (Start -> Control Panel -> System)
  - Go to the Advanced tab
  - Click on the 'Environment Variables' button
  - Look into the 'System variables' panel
  - Click on 'New' and enter 'PHPRC' as the variable name and the directory where php.ini is located as the variable value (c:\server\PHP)
  - Press OK and restart your computer

8. After we've finished configuring the PHP, we must configure the Apache webserver to work with PHP files. There is 2 way, by installing as a CGI binary or installing as an Apache module. Installing as a CGI binary will make our server is open to several possible attacks. So we'd prefer installing as an Apache module

9. Open Apache configuration file, just like this:

10. Add these lines at the very bottom:

LoadModule php5_module "c:/server/PHP/php5apache2.dll"
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .htm .html
PHPIniDir "c:/server/PHP"

The first line will let Apache know the installation of PHP and the next two will let Apache know how to handle PHP files (sometimes, in html file, we can put PHP scripts on it, so we must also configure PHP to handle .htm and .html file).

11. Restart the Apache server. If the Apache server cann't started, then do:

  - open command prompt (Start -> Run -> Type "cmd", click OK)
  - Type "cd c:\server\Apache2.2\bin" and then press Enter button
  - Type "httpd -t" to see if there's an error on our Apache configuration
  - If the error said "httpd: Syntax error on line 486 of C:/server/Apache2.2/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot load C:/server/PHP/php5apache2.dll into server: The specified module could not be found", you can continue on the next steps (the line number can be different, though). Otherwise, you must check your Apache configuration again by examine the error logs

12. By looking at the error messages, it seems that there's something missing at the php5apache2.dll module. After searching on the net, i have found a solution (Thanks to Steffen, http://www.apachelounge.com webmaster). Just download these file:
  - http://www.apachelounge.com/download/mods/php5apache2.dll-php5.1.x.zip or at my backup server at http://other.monx007.com/tools/php5apache2.dll-php5.1.x.zip (it's 05/05/2006 version). You must check the file at http://www.apachelounge.com first for the newest version
  - if you haven't installed the .NET framework, then you must also download http://download.microsoft.com/download/d/3/4/d342efa6-3266-4157-a2ec-5174867be706/vcredist_x86.exe or you can find the link from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=32BC1BEE-A3F9-4C13-9C99-220B62A191EE&displaylang=en

13. After that, just read the instruction file (Readme.txt), or, i can describe it here anyway:
- Copy php5apache2.dll to c:\server\PHP
- Copy httpd.exe.manifest to c:\server\Apache2.2\bin
- If you haven't installed the .NET framework, then run vcredist_x86.exe that we've downloaded before (Click Yes to Accept the agreement).

14. Try to start the apache again. If it cann't started, check the Apache configuration file just like steps 11.

15. If the Apache start successfully, we must test to see if PHP is installed correctly

16. We’ll want to create a file in the htdocs folder located in the main folder of Apache. This is where all of our web documents are going to be stored. Create a new file in this folder can name it inpo.php. Be sure that it saves with a .php extension and not .php.txt or whatever you’ll use to create the file. Once the phpinfo.php file has been created, open it up and place the following code within it.

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

Save it, close the file and then open your favorite browser and type this in the location bar.


17. If you see the following page (like below image), then PHP is installed and setup correctly on your server.

 << Install MySQL   Install phpMyAdmin >> 


9:37 PM :: ::

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Learn to install Apache 2, MySQL 5, PHP 5, phpMyAdmin 2 and Zend Optimizer 3 on Windows XP (Install MySQL)

Open up the MySQL zip file that we've downloaded. Inside this zip file will be an installer file, named “setup.exe”. This file can be extracted or ran just where it is. Double click or ran the setup file

Once it’s extracted and has been started, we’ll get a screen similar to this.

Click >> Next

The next screen we’ll see will be the selection for the setup type for our installation. We’re going to select Custom because we have a few custom requests for the installer to perform.

Click >> Next

We will need to change the location for the installation, so we’ll just select MySQL Server and then click on the Change button located in the bottom right.

Simply type in the location, in this case we’ll use “C:\server\mysql” as this is where the rest of our server applications are being installed. Then click on Ok.

This will look like after we have customize the folder

Click >> Next

We are now ready to install, just click on Install button

When it’s installing, we’ll see a window similar to this and will disappear automatically when finished.

This is to setup an account on MySQL.com for updates and so on, we’ll just select Skip for the time being and we can take care of this later.

Click >> Next

Now we get to configure the server to run the way we’d like for it to run. Just click Finish button

This screen is the start page for the Server Instance Configuration Wizard.

Simply click on Next.

We’ll want to select Standard Configuration from the next screen. Remember this is for new installations of MySQL. Users that already have MySQL installed and are upgrading, please select Detailed Configuration.

Click >> Next

Now we get to make a few choices about our server, for this project we’ll use “Install As Windows Service” and make sure “Launch the MySQL Server automatically” option is checked. This will insure the MySQL server is started if it ever shuts down, or the system ever restarts.

Click >> Next

Next we’ll need to select a root password, simply type a password you’d like to use for root access and let’s write it down so we don’t forget it. Also remember to check “Enable root access from remote machines” ONLY IF you want to edit anything from a remote location later on.

The next screen is simply the start screen for the configuration utility, letting us know what it’s about to perform. Simply click on Execute.

When Start Service is error, try to change the name of the service in previous screen (Choose Detailed Configuration)

If there's an error like this screen, then, it maybe because your Computer Firewall block TCP port 3306 for connections. Just go to Start Program => Control Panel => Windows Firewall. If you haven't encounter this problem, you can skip to the next step HERE

After that, click Exceptions tab, and click Add Port button

Just insert:
Name: MySQL Connections
Port Number: 3306

and make sure, you choose TCP

Click >> OK

Click OK again to exit Windows Firewall options

Back to the MySQL Configuration Screen, press retry to continue the configuration

Once everything is finished it will look like this. This give a little information about what has happened and show that everything goes well.
Click Finish button

Once we’ve finished the installation, we can run MySQL application to make sure that MySQL is installed and working properly.

Find the folder in the start menu where MySQL is located and launch the “MySQL Command Line Client”

Once it's open, simply enter the password we just set and if the client allows access with no errors, MySQL is now installed and working properly. There is no need to leave this command line client open, simply type “exit” and enter. This should close the client out.

We now have finished installing MySQL and it’s working correctly. We can now move onto another application.

 << Install Apache   Install PHP >> 


9:35 PM :: ::

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Learn to install Apache 2, MySQL 5, PHP 5, phpMyAdmin 2 and Zend Optimizer 3 on Windows XP (Install Apache)

First and foremost we need to get Apache installed and operational before we can install anything else, or they will not work correctly. So let’s begin by installing Apache.

Locate the Apache installer we downloaded earlier and double click on it. This will launch the Apache automated installer for us, there are a few options we’ll need to set along the way, so keep up.

The first few screens are Apache’s configuration, configuring windows to install Apache. This will only take a second and then we’ll be ready to begin.

This first screen we’ll see after the configuration will be the front of the installer. Basically this just gives you a little information about what we’re about to install.

Click >> Next

Next we’ll have a license agreement that we must accept to continue the installation of Apache.

Select “I accept the terms in the license agreement” >> Click Next

The next screen we have basically explains what we’re installing and some useful information about the application and where we can locate updates and so on.

Click >> Next

Next we have the server information. This is just basic configurations for the server and doesn’t take any time at all.

Network Domain (e.g. somenet.com): localhost
Server Name (e.g. www.somenet.com): localhost
Administrator’s Email Address: Your email here

Then we’ll select “Run as a service for all users – Recommended”. This will start Apache as a service and run it automatically when the system reboot. This would be the best solution for users that want something quick and simple, no maintenance needed.

Click >> Next

Next we have the selection of how we’d like to install it. I’d prefer my documents be in another location as I’d like to organize the rest of my server applications in one folder in root. So we’ll select Custom for this project and continue.

Click >> Next

From the next window that appears, select “Apache HTTP Server” and click on the “Change…” button located in the bottom right.

This will bring up a window similar to this one where we’re able to change the location of the installation folder. I prefer all of my server applications to be in “C:\server\Apache2.2” so I can organize all of them in one folder. So we’ll change the default of “C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\” to “C:\server\Apache2.2\”. Remember to use an ending back slash.

Click >> Ok

This will look like after we have customize the folder

Click >> Next

After that, the application will bring us to ready to install window. Simple click on Install and the installer will begin the installation of Apache using our custom configurations.

When it’s installing, we’ll see a window similar to this and will disappear automatically when finished.

If after the installation, there's a popup window show up (it's a windows firewall warning) that ask whether we want to block or unblock the Apache Port, just choose Unblock option

Once everything is finished, we’ll get a window similar to this. Simply click on Finish and we’re done. Apache is now installed in the location we provided and is configured using the settings we specified during installation.

Now we can test to see if Apache is installed and running correctly. Let’s open our favorite browser and give it a try. Simply type in http://localhost/ as the URL and hit enter.

If you get a page similar to this, then everything went just fine and Apache is now installed and working correctly.

Remember that we setup Apache to run as a service so the there's a time when the server needs to be stop or restarted manually, example when we changes httpd.conf file. This file contains all the configurations for the server.

Now we can edit and add pages to our new server by going to “C:\server\Apache2.2\htdocs”. This will be where all the web pages will be located and should be stored. This can be changed by configuring the location in the httpd.conf file. Remember to restart if anything is changed within this file.

 << Main Section   Install MySQL >> 


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